Service Manager


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Understanding the Search Results

The return value of the Search web method is a list of WebServiceBusinessobject objects in a two-dimensional array. The previous section provided simple search examples, where the records were returned against a single business object. When performing searches against the current object and related objects, each item in the two-dimensional array represents the matching parent-child combination.

This section contains the following topics:

Search Result Scenarios

Related Search Examples

Grouping the Rule Criteria

About Full-Text Searching

Formal Description of the Classes used by the Search Web Method

Search Result Scenarios

Scenario 1: Searching Against a Single Business Object, Returning an Exact Match

Scenario 2: Searching Against a Single Business Object, Returning Several Matches

Scenario 3: Searching Against a Single Business Object and its Related Child Objects, Returning One Exact Match for the Parent Business Object

Scenario 4: Searching Against a Single Business Object and its Related Child Business Objects, Returning Several Matches for the Parent Business Object

Scenario 1: Searching Against a Single Business Object, Returning an Exact Match

In this scenario, the search is defined against a single business object and the search result returns one exact record. objList[0][0] contains the matching incident record.

ObjectQueryDefinition query = new ObjectQueryDefinition();


FieldClass[] fieldObjects = new FieldClass[] {

new FieldClass()


                    Name = "IncidentNumber",

                    Type = "Text"


new FieldClass()


                    Name = "Status",

                    Type = "Text"




            query.Select = new SelectClass();

            query.Select.Fields = fieldObjects;


            query.From = new FromClass();

            query.From.Object = "Incident";

            query.Where = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass()


                    Field = "IncidentNumber",

                    Condition = "=",

                    Value = "10001"




FRSHEATIntegrationSearchResponse searchResponse = frSvc.Search(authSessionKey, tenantId, query);

if (searchResponse.status == "Success")


WebServiceBusinessObject[][] objList = searchResponse.objList;

foreach (WebServiceBusinessObject[] objOuterList in objList)


foreach (WebServiceBusinessObject obj in objOuterList)


WebServiceFieldValue[] objFieldList = obj.FieldValues;

Console.WriteLine("{0} with {1} \"{2}\" matches the selection criteria", obj.BusinessObjectName, objFieldList[0].Name, objFieldList[0].Value);





Here we are searching specifically for incident 10001 in the tenant. If the record exists in the tenant, it is available in the objList[0][0] array.

Scenario 2: Searching Against a Single Business Object, Returning Several Matches

In this scenario, the search is defined against a single business object and the search result returns n matching records. The matching records can be accessed from objList[0][0] through objList[n-1][0].

For example, assume the search returns ten incident records.  The incident records can be accessed from objList[0][0] through objList[9][0]. The first index in the two-dimensional array changes, but the second index remains at 0.

ObjectQueryDefinition query = new ObjectQueryDefinition();


FieldClass[] fieldObjects = new FieldClass[] {

new FieldClass()


                    Name = "IncidentNumber",

                    Type = "Text"


new FieldClass()


                    Name = "Status",

                    Type = "Text"




            query.Select = new SelectClass();

            query.Select.Fields = fieldObjects;


            query.From = new FromClass();

            query.From.Object = "Incident";

            query.Where = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass()


                    Field = "IncidentNumber",

                    Condition = "<=",

                    Value = "10010"



            query.OrderBy = new OrderByClass[] {

new OrderByClass()


                    Name = "IncidentNumber",

                    Direction = "ASC"




FRSHEATIntegrationSearchResponse searchResponse = frSvc.Search(authSessionKey, tenantId, query);


if (searchResponse.status == "Success")


WebServiceBusinessObject[][] objList = searchResponse.objList;

foreach (WebServiceBusinessObject[] objOuterList in objList)


foreach (WebServiceBusinessObject obj in objOuterList)


WebServiceFieldValue[] objFieldList = obj.FieldValues;

Console.WriteLine("{0} with {1} \"{2}\" matches the selection criteria", obj.BusinessObjectName, objFieldList[0].Name, objFieldList[0].Value);





Compared to the code from scenario 1, only the following has been updated:

            query.Where = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass()


                    Field = "IncidentNumber",

                    Condition = "<=",

                    Value = "10010"



We are searching for incident records where the incident number is less than or equal to 10010. If the tenant has incident records starting from 10001 through 10010, then incident 10001 can be accessed via objList[0][0], incident 10002 can be accessed via objList[1][0], up to incident 10010 that can be accessed via objList[9][0].

Understanding the Search Results illustrates how each of the items in the collection can be accessed individually, via the two dimensional array of search results. Because there are no child objects to search against, all of the items can be accessed using objList[n][0].

Scenario 2 Search Results

Scenario 3: Searching Against a Single Business Object and its Related Child Objects, Returning One Exact Match for the Parent Business Object

In this scenario, we are searching for incidents with matching Journal.Email records. The search returns one matching incident record that contains four related Journal.Email records.

When performing searches against the current object and related objects, it is important to note that each item in the two-dimensional array represents the matching parent-child combination. In this scenario, since there is only one matching parent incident record, the search results contain the same parent record four times, one for each matching Journal.Email record.

The parent incident record can be accessed using either objList[0][0], objList[1][0], objList[2][0], or objList[3][0]. Here, the first index value varies, and the second index value is 0 (denoting the main object).

Each individual matching Journal.Email child record can be accessed using objList[0][1], objList[1][1], objList[2][1], and objList[3][1]. The first index value varies (to correspond to each matching Journal.Email record), and the second index is 1 (denoting the first child object).

ObjectQueryDefinition query = new ObjectQueryDefinition();


FieldClass[] fieldObjects = new FieldClass[] {

new FieldClass()


                    Name = "IncidentNumber",

                    Type = "Text"


new FieldClass()


                    Name = "Journal.Subject",

                    Type = "Text"




            query.Select = new SelectClass();

            query.Select.Fields = fieldObjects;


            query.From = new FromClass();

            query.From.Object = "Incident";

            query.From.Links = new FromLinkClass[] {

new FromLinkClass {

                    Relation = "",

                    Object = "Journal#Email"



            query.Where = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass()


                    Field = "IncidentNumber",

                    Condition = "=",

                    Value = "10001"


new RuleClass()


                    Field = "Journal.Category",

                    Condition = "=",

                    Value = "Incoming Email"



            query.OrderBy = new OrderByClass[] {

new OrderByClass()


                    Name = "IncidentNumber",

                    Direction = "ASC"


new OrderByClass()


                    Name = "Journal.Subject",

                    Direction = "ASC"




FRSHEATIntegrationSearchResponse searchResponse = frSvc.Search(authSessionKey, tenantId, query);


if (searchResponse.status == "Success")


WebServiceBusinessObject[][] objList = searchResponse.objList;

foreach (WebServiceBusinessObject[] objOuterList in objList)


foreach (WebServiceBusinessObject obj in objOuterList)


WebServiceFieldValue[] objFieldList = obj.FieldValues;

Console.WriteLine("{0} with {1} {2} matches the selection criteria", obj.BusinessObjectName, objFieldList[0].Name, objFieldList[0].Value);




We are searching for incident records where the incident number is equal to 10001, and has associated Journal.Email records with a category of "€Incoming Email"€ (that is, emails attached to the incident record, via the email listener).

Because the search needs to consider not only the top level object (incident), but also the related Journal.Email records, we need to write additional lines of code.

The FromLinkClass class needs to be specified:

            query.From.Links = new FromLinkClass[] {

new FromLinkClass {

                    Relation = "",

                    Object = "Journal#Email"



Here, we create a new instance of the FromLinkClass class, which designates the relationship from incident to Journal.Email. The existing IncidentContainsJournal relationship (which points to the journal base object) can be used to associate the incident with the child journal records.

Because the relationship has no value specified for the internal reference name parameter, the Relation value is left as an empty string, in the Relation member above. The actual object to be searched against (in this case, Journal.Email) needs to be specified above in the Object member.

With the Links property specified for the FromClass class, the fields from the related business object can be accessed. For example, besides accessing the incident number field of the incident, the subject of the Journal.Email can be accessed:

FieldClass[] fieldObjects = new FieldClass[] {

new FieldClass()


                    Name = "IncidentNumber",

                    Type = "Text"


new FieldClass()


                    Name = "Journal.Subject",

                    Type = "Text"



To reference the subject field in the Journal.Email business object, the field name needs to be specified as "€Journal.Subject"€.

To specify the rule condition using fields in the Journal.Email business object (for example, category), the field name needs to be specified as "€Journal.Category"€:

            query.Where = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass()


                    Field = "IncidentNumber",

                    Condition = "=",

                    Value = "10001"


new RuleClass()


                    Field = "Journal.Category",

                    Condition = "=",

                    Value = "Incoming Email"



In the example scenario, assume that incident 10001 exists in the tenant, with four Journal.Emails attached to it, with subject values of "€Email 1"€, "€Email 2"€, "€Email 3"€, and "€Email 4"€.

Running the above sample code yields the following results in the console window:

Incident with IncidentNumber "10001" matches the selection criteria

Journal.Email with Journal.Subject "Email 1" matches the selection criteria

Incident with IncidentNumber "10001" matches the selection criteria

Journal.Email with Journal.Subject "Email 2" matches the selection criteria

Incident with IncidentNumber "10001" matches the selection criteria

Journal.Email with Journal.Subject "Email 3" matches the selection criteria

Incident with IncidentNumber "10001" matches the selection criteria

Journal.Email with Journal.Subject "Email 4" matches the selection criteria

The results are returned for each parent-child combination. Because the four Journal.Email records are associated with the same incident record (incident 10001), this same incident record shows up four times, once for each Journal.Email child record associated with it.

The figure below illustrates how each of the items in the parent-child combination can be accessed individually, via the two-dimensional array of search results.

Scenario 3 Search Results

Scenario 4: Searching Against a Single Business Object and its Related Child Business Objects, Returning Several Matches for the Parent Business Object

Assume we are searching for incidents with matching Journal.Email records. Assume that the search returns two matching incident records, which contains six related Journal.Email records: four for the first incident record (such as incident 10001), and two for the second incident record (such as incident 10008).

When performing searches against the current object and related objects, each item in the two-dimensional array represents the matching parent-child combination.

In this scenario, since there are two matching parent incident records, and six related Journal.Email records, the search returns six results.

The first incident record shows up using either objList[0][0], objList[1][0], objList[2][0], and objList[3][0], and its corresponding Journal.Email records show up via objList[0][1], objList[1][1], objList[2][1], and objList[3][1].

The second incident record shows up using either objList[4][0] and objList[5][0] and its corresponding Journal.Email records will show up via objList[4][1] and objList[5][1].

ObjectQueryDefinition query = new ObjectQueryDefinition();


FieldClass[] fieldObjects = new FieldClass[] {

new FieldClass()


                    Name = "IncidentNumber",

                    Type = "Text"


new FieldClass()


                    Name = "Journal.Subject",

                    Type = "Text"




            query.Select = new SelectClass();

            query.Select.Fields = fieldObjects;


            query.From = new FromClass();

            query.From.Object = "Incident";

            query.From.Links = new FromLinkClass[] {

new FromLinkClass {

                    Relation = "",

                    Object = "Journal#Email"



            query.Where = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass()


                    Field = "IncidentNumber",

                    Condition = "<=",

                    Value = "10010"


new RuleClass()


                    Field = "Journal.Category",

                    Condition = "=",

                    Value = "Incoming Email"



            query.OrderBy = new OrderByClass[] {

new OrderByClass()


                    Name = "IncidentNumber",

                    Direction = "ASC"


new OrderByClass()


                    Name = "Journal.Subject",

                    Direction = "ASC"




FRSHEATIntegrationSearchResponse searchResponse = frSvc.Search(authSessionKey, tenantId, query);


if (searchResponse.status == "Success")


WebServiceBusinessObject[][] objList = searchResponse.objList;

foreach (WebServiceBusinessObject[] objOuterList in objList)


foreach (WebServiceBusinessObject obj in objOuterList)


WebServiceFieldValue[] objFieldList = obj.FieldValues;

Console.WriteLine("{0} with {1} {2} matches the selection criteria", obj.BusinessObjectName, objFieldList[0].Name, objFieldList[0].Value);




Compared to the code from scenario 3, only the following has been updated:

            query.Where = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass()


                    Field = "IncidentNumber",

                    Condition = "<=",

                    Value = "10010"



We are searching for incident records where the incident number is less than or equal to 10010, and has associated Journal.Email records with a category of Incoming Email (that is, emails attached to the incident record, via the email listener).

So in the example scenario, assume that incident 10001 exists in the tenant, with four Journal.Email records attached to it, with subject values of "€Email 1"€, "€Email 2"€, "€Email 3"€, and "€Email 4"€.

Assume that incident 10008 also exists in the tenant, with two Journal.Email records attached to it, with subject values of "€Email 5"€ and "€Email 6"€.

Running the above sample code yields the following results in the console window:

Incident with IncidentNumber "10001" matches the selection criteria

Journal.Email with Journal.Subject "Email 1" matches the selection criteria

Incident with IncidentNumber "10001" matches the selection criteria

Journal.Email with Journal.Subject "Email 2" matches the selection criteria

Incident with IncidentNumber "10001" matches the selection criteria

Journal.Email with Journal.Subject "Email 3" matches the selection criteria

Incident with IncidentNumber "10001" matches the selection criteria

Journal.Email with Journal.Subject "Email 4" matches the selection criteria

Incident with IncidentNumber "10008" matches the selection criteria

Journal.Email with Journal.Subject "Email 5" matches the selection criteria

Incident with IncidentNumber "10008" matches the selection criteria

Journal.Email with Journal.Subject "Email 6" matches the selection criteria

The results are returned for each parent-child combination.

Because there are four Journal.Email records associated with incident 10001, this same incident record shows up four times, once for each of the four Journal.Email child records associated with it. Afterward, there are two Journal.Email records associated with incident 10008, so this same incident shows up two times, once for each of the two Journal.Email child records associated with it.

In total, there are six such parent-child combinations, so there are twelve object records returned (six for the incident, and six for the distinct Journal.Email records).

The figure below illustrates how each of the items in the parent-child combination can be accessed individually, via the two dimensional array of search results.

Scenario 4 Search Results

Related Search Examples

This section provides full code examples which expand on the related search capability as described in the previous section. The example code below illustrates how to search for roles which are associated with the specified employee by login ID.

string loginID = "Admin";


ObjectQueryDefinition query = new ObjectQueryDefinition();


// Here, we are querying for related role records for the current employee. When querying

// against specific fields from related business objects, the field name should be
// specified first with the business object name, followed by a period, then followed by
// the name of the field. e.g. "Frs_def_role.RoleID"


// In this example, we are querying for the RoleID and DisplayName fields from the related

// "Frs_def_role"business object


// Note that when querying for fields against the current business object

//(e.g. "Employee"), it

// is not necessary in the field name to preface the business object (e.g. "LoginID"
// instead of "Employee.LoginID")

FieldClass[] fieldObjects = new FieldClass[] {

new FieldClass()


Name = "Frs_def_role.RoleID",

Type = "Text"


new FieldClass()


Name = "Frs_def_role.DisplayName",

Type = "Text"




query.Select = new SelectClass();

query.Select.Fields = fieldObjects;


// Here we specify employee as the business object to query against, and
// specify the relationship to search against via the FromLinkClass


// Besides specifying the object, the value for the relation property should
// be the internal reference name of the relationship.


// In the case of the relationship between employee and Frs_def_role,
// the internal reference name is empty, so it should be specified as an
// empty string here


query.From = new FromClass();

query.From.Object = "Profile.Employee";

query.From.Links = new FromLinkClass[] {

new FromLinkClass {

Relation = "",

Object = "Frs_def_role#"




// Specify the criteria for querying the specific employee record
// (e.g. employee with login ID of "Admin")

query.Where = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass()


Field = "LoginID",

Condition = "=",

Value = loginID




FRSHEATIntegrationSearchResponse searchResponse = frSvc.Search(authSessionKey, tenantId, query);


if (searchResponse.status == "Success")


// Assuming the search is successful, the objList search result is
// returned via a two-dimensional array. Each item in the result corresponds

// to a specific parent-child combination. So in this example, each returned

// result in objList is a matching <Employee, Role> combination

WebServiceBusinessObject[][] objList = searchResponse.objList;


// For each of the items in objList, the first item is the parent
// object, and the second object is the child object. So in this example,
// objOuterList[0] corresponds to employee, whereas

// objOuterlist[1] corresponds to role


Console.WriteLine("\nThe following roles are associated with the \"{0}\" user:\n", loginID);


foreach (WebServiceBusinessObject[] objOuterList in objList)


WebServiceBusinessObject obj = objOuterList[1];


// Here obj is pointing to the role record, so objFieldList contains the list of

// available fields from the matching role record. In this example,

// two fields from the Role are queried against - the RoleID and the DisplayName


WebServiceFieldValue[] objFieldList = obj.FieldValues;


Console.WriteLine("* {0} ({1})", objFieldList[0].Value, objFieldList[1].Value);



The example code below illustrates how to search for teams that are associated with the specified employee by login ID.

string loginID = "Admin";


ObjectQueryDefinition query = new ObjectQueryDefinition();


// Here, we are querying for related team records for the current employee

// When querying against specific fields from related business objects, the field name should

// be specified first with the business object name, followed by a period, then followed by the

// name of the field e.g. "StandardUserTeam.Team"


// In this example, we are querying for the team and TeamEmail fields from the related

// "StandardUserrTeam" business object


// Note that when querying for fields against the current business object (e.g. "Employee"), it is not

// necessary in the field name to preface the business object (e.g. "LoginID" instead of

// "Employee.LoginID")


FieldClass[] fieldObjects = new FieldClass[] {

new FieldClass()


Name = "StandardUserTeam.Team",

Type = "Text"


new FieldClass()


Name = "StandardUserTeam.TeamEmail",

Type = "Text"



query.Select = new SelectClass();

query.Select.Fields = fieldObjects;



// Here we specify employee as the business object to query against, and specify the relationship to

// search against via the FromLinkClass. Besides specifying the object,

// the value for the relation property should be the internal reference name

// of the relationship.


// In the case of the relationship between wmployee and StandardUserTeam, the internal reference

// name is "Rev2"


query.From = new FromClass();

query.From.Object = "Profile.Employee";

query.From.Links = new FromLinkClass[] {

new FromLinkClass {

Relation = "Rev2",

Object = "StandardUserTeam#"



// Specify the criteria for querying the specific employee record (e.g. employee with login ID of

// "Admin")


query.Where = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass()


Field = "LoginID",

Condition = "=",

Value = loginID



FRSHEATIntegrationSearchResponse searchResponse = frSvc.Search(authSessionKey, tenantId, query);


if (searchResponse.status == "Success")



// Assuming the search is successful, the objList search result is returned via a two-

// dimensional array. Each item in the result corresponds to a specific parent-child

// combination. So in this example, each returned result

// in objList is a matching <Employee, Team> combination


WebServiceBusinessObject[][] objList = searchResponse.objList;


// For each of the items in objList, the first item is the parent object, and the second

// object is the child object. So in this example, objOuterList[0] corresponds

// to employee, whereas objOuterlist[1] corresponds to team


Console.WriteLine("\nThe following teams are associated with the \"{0}\" user, with the corresponding team email address:\n", loginID);

foreach (WebServiceBusinessObject[] objOuterList in objList)


WebServiceBusinessObject obj = objOuterList[1];


// Here obj is pointing to the role record, so objFieldList contains the list of

// available fields from the matching role record. In this example, two

// fields from the role are queried against - the team and the TeamEmail


WebServiceFieldValue[] objFieldList = obj.FieldValues;


Console.WriteLine("* {0} ({1})", objFieldList[0].Value, objFieldList[1].Value);



Grouping the Rule Criteria

The previous section describes how to search for records based on the current business object (incident) and its related child business objects (Journal.Email). The earlier examples describe how to formulate queries such as the following:

Retrieve all incident records with an incident number less than 10010, containing related Journal.Email records with a category of "€Incoming Email"€.

The Search web method is actually flexible enough to express searches through the grouping of the rule criteria. For example, the Search web method allows one to express queries such as the following:

Retrieve all Incident records with IncidentNumber less than 10010, containing related Journal.Email records where

(The Category of the Journal.Email is "€Incoming Email"€


The Subject of the Journal.Email is "€Urgent Request"€)

The above search allows the user to search for incidents containing Journal.Email records, either if the Journal.Email has a category of "€Incoming Email"€ (that is, it was created via the email listener), OR the subject of the Journal.Email has a subject line of "€œUrgent Request"€ regardless if the email has a category of "€œIncoming Email"€ or "€œOutgoing Email"€.

To express the above search, consider the following code sample:

ObjectQueryDefinition query = new ObjectQueryDefinition();


FieldClass[] fieldObjects = new FieldClass[] {

new FieldClass()


                    Name = "IncidentNumber",

                    Type = "Text"


new FieldClass()


                    Name = "Journal.Category",

                    Type = "Text"




            query.Select = new SelectClass();

            query.Select.Fields = fieldObjects;


            query.From = new FromClass();

            query.From.Object = "Incident";

            query.From.Links = new FromLinkClass[] {

new FromLinkClass


                    Relation = "",

                    Object = "Journal#Email"



            query.Where = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass


                    Join = "AND",

                    Field = "IncidentNumber",

                    Condition = "<=",

                    Value = "10010"


new RuleClass


                    Rules = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass


                            Field = "Journal.Category",

                            Condition = "=",

                            Value = "Outgoing Email"


new RuleClass


                            Join = "OR",

                            Field = "Journal.Subject",

                            Condition = "=",

                            Value = "Urgent Request"






FRSHEATIntegrationSearchResponse searchResponse = frSvc.Search(authSessionKey, tenantId, query);


if (searchResponse.status == "Success")


WebServiceBusinessObject[][] objList = searchResponse.objList;

foreach (WebServiceBusinessObject[] objOuterList in objList)


foreach (WebServiceBusinessObject obj in objOuterList)


WebServiceFieldValue[] objFieldList = obj.FieldValues;

Console.WriteLine("{0} with {1} \"{2}\" matches the selection criteria", obj.BusinessObjectName, objFieldList[0].Name, objFieldList[0].Value);




This code sample is a variation of the samples from the earlier section, with several important differences. Notice the update to the Where property for the ObjectQueryDefinition object:

            query.Where = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass


                    Join = "AND",

                    Field = "IncidentNumber",

                    Condition = "<=",

                    Value = "10010"


new RuleClass


                    Rules = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass


                            Field = "Journal.Category",

                            Condition = "=",

                            Value = "Outgoing Email"


new RuleClass


                            Join = "OR",

                            Field = "Journal.Subject",

                            Condition = "=",

                            Value = "Urgent Request"





At the top level are two RuleClass objects"€ one for expression the condition to search for incident records with an incident number less than or equal to 10010, as illustrated in the previous sections.

new RuleClass


                    Join = "AND",

                    Field = "IncidentNumber",

                    Condition = "<=",

                    Value = "10010"


The second RuleClass object is used solely to populate the Rules member of the RuleClass class:

new RuleClass


                    Rules = new RuleClass[] {






Inside the second RuleClass class, another RuleClass array is being instantiated with two inner RuleClass classes:

new RuleClass


                            Field = "Journal.Category",

                            Condition = "=",

                            Value = "Outgoing Email"


new RuleClass


                            Join = "OR",

                            Field = "Journal.Subject",

                            Condition = "=",

                            Value = "Urgent Request"


So the inner RuleClass array essentially allows one to express the following portion of the search:

Retrieve the related Journal.Email records where either

(The Category of the Journal.Email is "€Incoming Email"€


The Subject of the Journal.Email is "€Urgent Request"€)

To express the following related query:

Retrieve the related Journal.Email records where either

(The Category of the Journal.Email is "€Incoming Email"€


The Subject of the Journal.Email is "€œUrgent Request"€)

the Join member needs to be changed from "€œOR"€ to "€œAND"€, as follows:

new RuleClass


                            Field = "Journal.Category",

                            Condition = "=",

                            Value = "Outgoing Email"


new RuleClass


                            Join = "AND",

                            Field = "Journal.Subject",

                            Condition = "=",

                            Value = "Urgent Request"


The above example shows how rules can be grouped together, by populating the Rules member of the RuleClass object. The RuleClass class uses composition to allow RuleClass classes to be arbitrarily grouped together, using AND or OR operators via the Join property.

About Full-Text Searching

Besides regular Microsoft SQL-style searches, the Search web method also supports performing full-text searches against a business object.  An example is searching for records containing the terms "€œEmail Down"€, against the full text catalog of the incident business object.

The RuleClass class contains a member called ConditionType, which is of type SearchConditionType. This is an enumeration with two permissible values:

ByField - 0 (regular Microsoft SQL search)

ByText - 1 (full-text Microsoft SQL search)

public enum SearchConditionType


        ByField = 0,

        ByText = 1


Regular searches are performed by setting SearchConditionType to ByField.  This is the default mode for searching, so it is not necessary to have this explicitly set during the RuleClass instantiation. To perform full-text searches, it is necessary to explicitly set the condition type of the RuleClass class to ByText:

new RuleClass()


                    Join = "AND",

                    Condition = "=",

                    ConditionType = SearchConditionType.ByText,

                    Value = "Email Down"


The Field member (which was present in the earlier search examples) is not specified in the RuleClass class"€“ since the search is now performed against the full-text catalog (by virtue of the ConditionType value of ByText), it is an error to also specify Field member in the RuleClass class.

The following code sample illustrates how to search for incident records with the matching terms "€œEmail Down"€:

ObjectQueryDefinition query = new ObjectQueryDefinition();

            query.Select = new SelectClass();

// Retrieve just the IncidentNumber field value from the Incident,

// when invoking the search

FieldClass[] incidentFieldObjects = new FieldClass[] {

new FieldClass()


                    Name = "IncidentNumber",

                    Type = "Text"


new FieldClass()


                    Name = "Service",

                    Type = "Text"



            query.Select.Fields = incidentFieldObjects;

            query.From = new FromClass();

            query.From.Object = "Incident";


            query.Where = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass()


                    Join = "AND",

                    Condition = "=",

                    ConditionType = SearchConditionType.ByText,

                    Value = "Email Down"




FRSHEATIntegrationSearchResponse searchResponse = frSvc.Search(authSessionKey, tenantId, query);


if (searchResponse.status == "Success")


WebServiceBusinessObject[][] incidentList = searchResponse.objList;

foreach (WebServiceBusinessObject[] incidentOuterList in incidentList)


foreach (WebServiceBusinessObject incident in incidentOuterList)


// Since we are just retrieving one field in the selection criteria

// (i.e. IncidentNumber), this corresponds to

// incident.FieldValues[0].Value when retrieving the results

Console.WriteLine("Incident {0} matches the selection criteria", incident.FieldValues[0].Value);




Formal Description of the Classes used by the Search Web Method

To execute the Search web method properly, you must properly create and populate objects from several classes before the web method is called.

About the ObjectQueryDefinition Class

About the FromClass Class

About the SelectClass Class

About the RuleClass Class

About the OrderByClass Class

About the ObjectQueryDefinition Class

The ObjectQueryDefinition class is defined as follows:

class ObjectQueryDefinition


int Top;

bool Distinct;

        FromClass From;

        SelectClass Select;

        List<RuleClass> Where;

        List<OrderByClass> OrderBy;


The ObjectQueryDefinition class is used to model the various portions of a typical Microsoft SQL SELECT statement, specifically:

FROM: Class FromClass

SELECT: Class SelectClass

WHERE: Class RuleClass (implemented as a list)

ORDER BY: Class OrderByClass (implemented as a list)

With the exception of the RuleClass class (which is used to model the WHERE clause in the Microsoft SQL SELECT statement), the other classes are named according to the corresponding clause in the Microsoft SQL SELECT statement.

Besides these classes, there is also an integer member called Top. This can be used to constrain the number of records being returned by the Search web method. For example, you may want to only return the first 1000 matching results.

There is also a Boolean member called Distinct. This can be used to return the distinct results, to eliminate the repeated values in the search results.

About the FromClass Class

The FromClass class is used to model the FROM clause in a typical Microsoft SQL SELECT statement, and is defined as follows:

class FromClass


string Object;

        List<FromLinkClass> Links;


The Object member needs to be populated with the name of the business object to search against:

            query.From = new FromClass();

            query.From.Object = "Incident";

If the saved search needs to be performed relative to specific child objects, the Links member also needs to be populated, using a list of FromLinkClass objects:

class FromLinkClass


string Relation;

string Object;


The FromLinkClass class contains two member variables:

Relation: Specifies the internal reference name of the relationship between the parent and child object. For example, for the IncidentContainsJournal relationship, the internal reference name of the relationship is blank, so to use this relationship, populate the Object member with the name of the child business object, and leave the Relation member as an empty string.

Object: Specifies the name of the child business object (such as Journal#Email).

To search for Journal.Email records related to the current business object, the Links member of the FromClass class needs to be populated as follows:

            query.From.Links = new FromLinkClass[] {

new FromLinkClass {

                    Relation = "",

                    Object = "Journal#Email"



About the SelectClass Class

Use the SelectClass class to model the SELECT clause in a typical Microsoft SQL SELECT statement.  It is defined as follows:

class SelectClass


bool All;

        List<FieldClass> Fields;


To select all the fields in the business object, create a new SelectClass object and set the All member variable of the object to true:

            query.Select = new SelectClass();

            query.Select.All = true;

If the search is against the main business object (incident) and its related child business objects (Journal.Email), setting the All member variable to true returns all the fields in the main business object and all the fields in the child business object.

To restrict the set of fields to be returned by the Search web method, create a new list of FieldClass objects and initialize it with FieldClass objects that correspond to the fields of interest.

To return the incident number field of the incident business object, and the category field of the child Journal.Email object, use the following statements:

FieldClass[] fieldObjects = new FieldClass[] {

new FieldClass()


                    Name = "IncidentNumber",

                    Type = "Text"


new FieldClass()


                    Name = "Journal.Category",

                    Type = "Text"




            query.Select = new SelectClass();

            query.Select.Fields = fieldObjects;

For fields from the main business object, the names of the fields can be provided as is, whereas for fields in the child business objects, the name of the field needs to be prefixed with the name of the child business object in the relationship.

For example, if you use the IncidentContainsJournal relationship, the relationship is defined against the incident and journal (base) object. Specify the category field as "€Journal.Category"€.

About the RuleClass Class

The RuleClass class is used to model the WHERE clause in a typical Microsoft SQL SELECT statement, and is defined as follows:

class RuleClass


string Join;

string Condition;

SearchConditionType ConditionType;

string Field;

string Value;

        List<RuleClass> Rules;


The Field member specifies the name of the field and the Value member specifies the value corresponding to the field.

For fields from the main business object, the names of the fields can be provided as is, whereas for fields in the child business objects, the name of the field needs to be prefixed with the name of the child business object in the relationship. For example, if you use the IncidentContainsJournal relationship, the relationship is defined against the incident and journal (base) object.  Specify the category field as "€Journal.Category"€.

For example, use the following statement to search for incident records with a priority value equal to 1, where the category value of the related Journal.Email records is equal to "€Incoming Email"€:

query.Where = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass()


Join = "AND",

              Condition = "=",

              Field = "Priority",

              Value = "1"


new RuleClass()


Join = "AND",

              Condition = "=",

              Field = "Journal.Category",

              Value = "Incoming Email"



The Join property can contain a value of either "€AND"€ / "€OR"€, for specifying how the RuleClass objects are to be related to one another.

The Condition member specifies the comparison operator used for relating the field and the specified value. The allowable values for the Condition member include the following:

Operator Meaning
= Equal to
!= Not equal to
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to


For grouping the rule criteria together, within the RuleClass class, there is a Rules member that can optionally hold a list of RuleClass objects. You can use the Rules member to group related RuleClass objects together, by composing the RuleClass objects.

            query.Where = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass


                    Join = "AND",

                    Field = "IncidentNumber",

                    Condition = "<=",

                    Value = "10010"


new RuleClass


                    Rules = new RuleClass[] {

new RuleClass


                            Field = "Journal.Category",

                            Condition = "=",

                            Value = "Outgoing Email"


new RuleClass


                            Join = "OR",

                            Field = "Journal.Subject",

                            Condition = "=",

                            Value = "Urgent Request"





Inside the second RuleClass class at the top level, the Rules member is initialized with another, inner list of RuleClass objects, where the criteria for Journal.Email is expressed.

Normal Microsoft SQL-style searches are performed, where the condition type is set to the enumeration value of SearchConditionType.ByField.  This is the default mode for searches and does not need to be explicitly specified in the RuleClass instantiation.

To support full-text searches, set the condition type to the enumeration value of SearchConditionType.ByText and do not include the Field member when instantiating the rule class.

About the OrderByClass Class

The OrderByClass class is used to model the Order By clause in a typical Microsoft SQL SELECT statement, and is defined as follows:

class OrderByClass


public string Name;

public string Direction;


The Name member specifies the field to be ordered against, and the Direction member specifies whether the records should be specified in ascending or descending order, using the values of "€ASC"€ or "€DESC"€, respectively.

For example, assume that the search returns the incident and related Journal.Email records. If the incident records should be sorted in ascending order based on the incident number, and the related Journal.Subject records should be sorted in ascending order based on subject, the following code can be used for this:

            query.OrderBy = new OrderByClass[] {

new OrderByClass()


                    Name = "IncidentNumber",

                    Direction = "ASC"


new OrderByClass()


                    Name = "Journal.Subject",

                    Direction = "ASC"



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